The Harmonic Egg, Part 1: A Mystery Begins

By Hayden Hudiburg


Blythe Anchor owner, Adrienne Hicks

When I pulled up to the tannish-brown building at 1112 W Ironwood Dr, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew I’d be receiving some kind of healing, thanks to the nature of my work, but beyond that, I was in the dark. My boss had insisted I experience the mystical Harmonic Egg without any preconceived notions. A decision that only piqued my curiosity further.

3D Model of the egg

Eager to solve the mystery, I climbed out of my car and stepped through the door marked with the name “Blythe Anchor.” Inside, I didn’t have to wait long before my contact, Adrienne Hicks, greeted me warmly. Cheerfully, she guided me to her office, where I filled out some paperwork to help her understand how best to assist me. Along with selecting the flavor of electrolytes that would be put in my water at the end of the session. Once I finished, she provided my first glimpse into what was to come when she said. “You’ll be entering a geometric chamber that uses the energy of light and sound to promote healing and wellness.” A statement that led me to think one thing. When can I get started?

The Experience

Zero-Gravity Chair

As Adrienne asked me about my goals for the session, I felt a spark of excitement. I had mentioned a few things on the form, but my primary focus was on an old injury in my lower back. My host told me setting an intention is a key component of the treatment, and this was mine.

Adrienne then led me to the egg itself: a hollowed out, 11.5’x9’x7’, pod with a zero-gravity chair at its center. Climbing inside, I felt perfectly at ease. Reclining in the chair before Adrienne draped a blanket over me, selected a custom song tailored to my intentions, and asked me to choose the color of light that would fill the chamber. I choose blue. A color I’ve always found calming. Once everything was set, she slid the door shut, and my journey began.

As I closed my eyes, I shifted my focus to the trouble area near my sacrum. Adrienne’s words echoed in my mind: “The healing will consist of 40 minutes of sound, followed by 10 minutes of silence.” Relaxing into the experience, most of the time passed without much thought. However, during the final 15 minutes, my energetic nature got the better of me, and I began to feel restless. Thankfully, the sensation didn’t last long. Before I knew it, Adrienne returned, opening the chamber and helping me out.

She then led me to a separate room, where she left me with a glass of grape flavored electrolytes and a journal to record my thoughts. I quickly downed my recovery beverage but found the journal unnecessary—there was no forgetting the buzz coursing through my body. When Adrienne returned, we said our goodbyes. I felt an unusual calm that lingered for days. To my surprise, the discomfort in my lower back also had noticeably lessened. Adrienne had mentioned the treatments had a compounding effect, similar to chiropractic care, and that dramatic results from a single session weren’t typical. For me, that turned out to be true, but the noticeable improvement was enough to leave me wondering something new: What could another visit do?

Part 2 of the Harmonic Egg Story Coming Next Week!


About Hayden

Hayden is a local writer and editor whose path has led him on a journey of discovery and exploration. He is currently working on his debut book series and is an ex-amateur MMA fighter.


Thomas Iverson, A Life Transformed