Merkaba Meditation October 6th 1-5pm, Spokane, Wa $125
This 4-hour course will teach you how to do this amazing and profound meditation technique that was taught in the Ancient Mystery Schools many thousands of years ago. This meditation allows you to consciously activate your full energy field, thereby activating other levels of soul awareness and directly expanding your personal ‘bandwidth’ in order to receive more information on a continuous basis. By consciously activating the Merkaba energy field you place yourself in clear, direct communication with your Higher Self. It raises your vibrational frequency and allows you to be buoyed above lower, negative energies. This technique clears your energy field and can be used to clear and set space anywhere you desire to use it. The energy field that this technique activates can be programmed to utilize all levels of your consciousness in order to create alignment and continuity, while drawing you more quickly towards and into your highest potential. Once you’ve learned how to do the Merkaba Meditation and activate your full energy field your daily practice will take you less than 5 minutes to complete. After doing the Merkaba for several weeks on a daily basis you can reduce your practice to every other day and eventually, may only need to do it every few weeks or during times of heightened stress or low energy. This technique is incredibly quick, easy and very powerful. Believe it or not, you already know this meditation at the level of your cellular intelligence. It’s been on the planet for so long that it is programmed into our collective human consciousness. I like to say that you are simply ‘remembering’ how to do it, rather than ‘learning’ how to do it.
Audit / Retake Fee: $75