In this intriguing and enriching evening, we will explore the unique domains of past life regression and the exciting realm of your future self. Utilizing a blend of Quantum Healing techniques and Hypnotherapy, we will guide you on a journey towards inner discovery, enabling you to reconnect with your deeper consciousness.
This class isn't merely an introduction; it is a hands-on, experiential voyage towards understanding your past lives and a window into envisioning your future self. We aim to empower you with the tools and knowledge to journey into your subconscious mind, shed light on the recurring patterns that may be shaping your present life, and learn ways to alter or reinforce them.
Also, the class will take you on a spiritual adventure as you meet your spirit guide, providing a fascinating opportunity for divine guidance and a sense of profound interconnectedness.
Our experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable guide will navigate this intricate labyrinth, providing support and assistance at every step of your exploration. Join us for an enriching, transformative, and highly empowering class. Experience a new realm of understanding about the course of your life and begin a powerful journey towards self-healing and self-discovery.
We invite you to bring your curiosity, openness, and readiness to evolve as you embark on this captivating spiritual expedition.
~Facilitated by Cindy F $33