Healing Methods

Find healing methods that work for you.

Learning about different types of wellness practices can be as interesting as it is rewarding. We’ve put together a list of common types of wellness and healing methods that can help you on your personal journey of discovery.


Meditation reduces stress, improves focus, promotes self-awareness and compassion, and enhances physical and mental well-being.

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing your mind on a particular object, thought, or activity in order to calm your mind and improve your overall well-being. It's a way to give your mind a break from the constant chatter and distractions of everyday life, and to cultivate a sense of peace, clarity, and inner calm. You don't need any special equipment or experience to meditate, and it can be done almost anywhere at any time. So if you're feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, meditation might be just the thing you need to help you feel more grounded and centered.

Quantum Hypnosis

Benefits of Quantum Hypnosis include deep relaxation, accessing subconscious mind, resolving inner conflicts, behavior modification, and personal growth.

Quantum Hypnosis is a type of hypnotherapy that incorporates concepts from quantum physics and neuroscience to help people access their subconscious mind and make positive changes in their behavior, thoughts, and emotions. It involves inducing a deep state of relaxation and using guided imagery and visualization techniques to explore the subconscious and work through any underlying issues. Think of it as a way to access the power of your mind to make positive changes in your life.


Benefits of Reiki include stress reduction, relaxation, pain relief, improved sleep, mental clarity, emotional healing, and enhanced well-being.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that aims to balance and harmonize the body's energy flow to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It involves the use of gentle touch or non-touch techniques to transfer universal life force energy to the recipient, promoting relaxation and restoring balance to the body's energy centers. Think of it as a way to promote healing and reduce stress by accessing and redirecting the body's natural energy flow.

Energy Work

Benefits of energy work: reduces stress, promotes relaxation, enhances healing, balances energy, and improves overall well-being.

Energy work healing is a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the subtle energies that are believed to exist within and around the human body. The practice is based on the idea that these energies can become blocked or disrupted, leading to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances that can negatively affect a person's overall health and well-being.

Energy work healers use a variety of techniques to help balance and restore these energies, including Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, chakra balancing, and other forms of energy manipulation. These techniques are often used in conjunction with other healing practices, such as meditation, visualization, and breathwork, to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance the body's natural healing abilities.


reduces stress, increases flexibility, strengthens the body and mind, improves balance, and enhances overall well-being.

Yoga is a fun and relaxing practice that involves moving your body in different ways and focusing on your breath. It's a great way to improve your physical and mental health, while also having fun and feeling good! Whether you're looking to reduce stress, increase flexibility, or just try something new, yoga is a great way to take care of yourself and feel great. So grab a mat and join in!

Float Spas

Float spas provide a unique and rejuvenating experience for those seeking a break from the stresses of daily life.

A float spa is a type of wellness center that offers sensory deprivation tanks or floatation tanks. These tanks are designed to create a unique and relaxing experience where individuals can float effortlessly in a pool of water that is saturated with Epsom salt, which makes them buoyant. The tanks are soundproof and lightproof, and they are meant to block out all external distractions and stimuli, providing a peaceful and calming environment for the mind and body.

The idea behind float spas is to provide a space for individuals to disconnect from the outside world and allow their minds and bodies to enter a state of deep relaxation. Some people find that float therapy can help with stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and sleep issues. It can also be a useful tool for meditation and mindfulness practices.

Sound Healing

Sound healing is a therapy that utilizes the power of sound frequencies to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being

Sound healing is a holistic practice that has been gaining popularity due to its numerous potential benefits. One of the most significant benefits of sound healing is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. The vibrations created by singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks can have a calming effect on the mind and body, promoting deep relaxation and easing tension. In addition to reducing stress, sound healing can also improve sleep quality, boost energy levels, and enhance overall well-being. By promoting a state of balance and harmony in the body, sound healing may help alleviate physical and emotional pain, boost the immune system, and promote healing. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, physical pain, or just looking to improve your overall health and wellness, sound healing is definitely worth exploring.

Immerse yourself in nature

Reduces stress, boosts mood, improves physical health, enhances creativity, promotes mindfulness, and improves sleep quality.

Getting out in nature can have a multitude of benefits for our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can help to reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood and cognitive function, improve cardiovascular health, increase vitamin D levels, and strengthen the immune system. It can also enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities, promote mindfulness and presence, and improve sleep quality. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting by a river, getting out in nature provides an opportunity to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and connect with the natural world, leading to a greater sense of calm, peace, and overall well-being.

Art Experiences

Overall, an art experience is an opportunity to engage with the world around us in a meaningful and creative way, opening up new possibilities for personal growth and social transformation.

An art experience is a creative encounter with visual or performing arts that engages the senses, emotions, and intellect. It can take many forms, including visiting an art gallery, attending a theater performance, listening to live music, or even creating art oneself.

Art experiences can be transformative and deeply personal, allowing individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in new and exciting ways. They can be a form of self-expression, a way to connect with others, and a means of exploring new perspectives and ideas.

Art experiences are not only enjoyable, but they can also have therapeutic benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and enhancing cognitive function. They can also be a powerful tool for social change, as art has the ability to provoke thought, inspire action, and raise awareness on important issues.