What is transcendental meditation?
Meditation. Whether you practice it or not, I’m sure you’ve heard of the technique in one way or another. But what about Transcendental Meditation (TM)? If not, prepare to transcend, because this method could change your life! This is due to the fact that TM differs from other forms of meditation in several ways.
The first is that TM uses a meaningless sound or mantra to help relax the mind, whereas other types of meditation use words, phrases, or visualizations, all of which typical contain some kind of meaning. This distinction allows for the second unique aspect of TM: it is supposed to be effortless. Instead of concentrating or controlling the mind, the mantra you create is used to settle into the process and let it carry you along, which in theory leads to third difference: TM does not involve training the mind. This feature makes this form of meditation appealing to people who struggle to concentrate, especially given that TM encourages thoughts to come and go, unlike many traditional methods that insist on an empty mind. Finally, TM is taught exclusively by certified teachers, ensuring a tried-and-tested method that goes beyond surface level-thinking towards silence.
To learn more, click the link below or above, and let everything else float by like a cloud in the sky!