Creative Release & Mental Health: How Does One Help the Other?

By Lisa LaRuex

Mental health is a growing crisis that affects every aspect of our lives, often in ways we fail to notice. Whether it’s something as small as irritability from sleepless nights or as severe as being unable to get out of bed—disrupting work, family routines, and everything else—our mental health impacts not only us but also those around us.

I understand this firsthand, having struggled with my own mental health for over two decades. There were days when I barely made it to work, only to break down in tears in front of my team—an embarrassing and disheartening experience. At one point, I was taking five different medications for depression, anxiety, and mood stabilization, among other prescriptions meant to address the physical manifestations of my emotional distress.

I share my story for two reasons. First, mental health is an issue we must take seriously—not just because of its visible effects but also because of the silent battles many fight daily. During certain times of the year, these struggles can intensify, and some individuals may feel they can’t continue. To them, I say: “Not on my watch!”

Second, I’ve learned that true healing often requires more than medication. While there are times when medical support is necessary, I’ve found that creative release—engaging in non-verbal, artistic forms of expression—played a significant role in my recovery.

The Power of Creative Release

Creative release encompasses activities like painting, drawing, playing music, dancing, or even doodling. These forms of expression can bypass mental barriers and help us process emotions in ways traditional methods cannot. Let me share how this practice changed my life.

1. Improved Focus and Joy - The first thing I noticed was an improvement in my ability to focus. Sitting down to draw or paint allowed me to fully immerse myself in the present moment—a form of meditation I hadn’t realized I needed. The joy I experienced during these sessions was unexpected and deeply healing. While everyone’s experience may differ, creative release can be a gateway to mindfulness and happiness.

2. Alleviation of Stress and Anxiety - Engaging in creative activities helps reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. By focusing on the here and now, we create a safe space to explore our emotions, connect with our inner selves, and let go of external pressures. This process can feel unfamiliar and even uncomfortable at first, especially for those accustomed to living with emotional distress. But over time, it fosters a sense of peace, self-love, and joy.

3. Building Self-Esteem and Confidence - Through self-expression, we begin to rebuild self-esteem, confidence, and even self-acceptance. Creative release provides a platform to process and share our emotions, often without words, offering healing not just to ourselves but also to others who witness and resonate with our art.

4. Biological Benefits - On a biological level, creative release reduces cortisol, the stress hormone that contributes to physical discomfort and weight gain. Engaging in activities we love triggers the release of endorphins—our body’s natural feel-good chemicals—which alleviate stress, depression, anxiety, and even physical pain. Personally, I’ve lost 35 pounds since embracing this process, a testament to the physical freedom art has given me.

The Healing Process

Art allows us to release trapped emotional pain and trauma, offering a pathway to healing that transcends words. It opens the heart and mind to new possibilities, fostering self-awareness and emotional resilience.

I’ve now been off all psych medications for over 1.5 years—a milestone I attribute, in part, to creative release. While I’m not suggesting that art alone is a cure-all or that everyone can stop their medications overnight, I do believe it can be a powerful tool for healing. This process requires commitment, patience, and self-exploration.

Whether or not you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health condition, we all carry emotional battles that deserve attention and healing. Creative release offers a path to joy, abundance, peace, and unconditional love—a world we all deserve to live in.

About Lisa

Lisa an artist and a healer helping others through art or as she says, “I’m just a girl connected to Creator, by Creator, for Creator.”

“If you’re unsure how to start, I offer a 5-course series called Healing with Art. In these courses, I guide participants in uncovering buried emotional wounds and beginning the healing process. Healing requires us to feel, and this series creates a safe, supportive environment for that journey. For more information, visit my Facebook page for details.”


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